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Sun Meadowlark Estates

V&B Grading, Inc. - Sun Meadowlark Estates Project

Sun Meadowlark Estates

Siteworks for the construction of a complex of eight luxury homes on 8 acres in Pleasanton, California

    • Sun Meadowlark Estates
    • July 13, 2023

Project: Siteworks for Sun Meadowlark Estates

Owner: Sun Meadowlark Estates

Project: Siteworks for the construction of a complex of eight luxury homes on 8 acres in Pleasanton, California, aiming to create a harmonious blend of high-end living spaces with the natural beauty of the area. The project required meticulous planning and execution to meet the high standards of luxury residential development while preserving the environmental integrity of the location.

Scope of Work:

  • Clearing and grubbing the site
  • Excavating the site to create building pads and roads
  • Installing drainage systems
  • Importing and compacting fill dirt
  • Hydroseeding the site


  • The site was located in a heavily wooded area
  • The soil was rocky and difficult to excavate
  • The project had a tight deadline


  • We used heavy-duty equipment to clear and grub the site
  • We used a combination of excavation methods to create the building pads and roads
  • We installed a drainage system to prevent flooding
  • We imported and compacted fill dirt to create a stable foundation for the homes
  • We hydroseeded the site to help stabilize the soil and prevent erosion


  • The project was completed on time and on budget
  • The Sun Meadowlark Estates homes were built on a stable foundation
  • The site was stabilized and erosion was prevented


We were successful in completing the earthwork portion of the Sun Meadowlark Estates project on time and on budget. Our approach involved strategic planning and resource management to tackle the challenging terrain and meet the stringent deadlines. By leveraging advanced earthmoving techniques and employing a skilled workforce, we overcame the complexities posed by the rocky soil and dense woodland. Our effective coordination with the stakeholders ensured seamless execution and adherence to quality standards. The project not only fulfilled the client’s expectations but also set a benchmark in earthwork management for residential development.

We are proud to have been a part of this project and we look forward to working with the client again. If you would like a quick quote for your project, feel free to reach out!